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Prix Fixe Menu / Dinner & Show

Set Price with Show

Elegir un Aperitivo

Choice of Appetizer

Camarones al Ajillo

Shrimps in a garlicky white wine sauce



Brochetas de Verduras a la Parrilla

Grilled Vegetable Skewers


Potaje de Callos y patas de res con Chorizo, jamon serrano y garbanzos

Tribe, beef feet, chorizo, serrano ham & chickpea stew


Croquetas Mixtas de Jamon serrano y de Bacalao

Assorted Serrano ham and Cod Fish croquettes


Calamares Fritos con Ali Aoli

Fried Calamari with Ali Oli


Almejas, Mejillones y Camarones al Diablo

Clams, Mussels & shrimps in a mild spicy Tomato sauce


Huevos rotos con jamon serrano, chorizo y patatas fritas

Broken eggs with serrano ham and chorizo ​​over home fries


Cantabricos con Queso Manchego y Pimientos rojos

Cantabrian anchovies with Manchego cheese and red peppers.


Carpaccio de Jamon Serrano con virutas de queso manchego sobre Tomate fresco rallado y Aceite Xvirgen

Serrano Carpaccio with Manchego cheese shavings on fresh grated tomato and EVO


Elegir un Plato Principal

Choice of Main Course

Jarrete de Cordero en Salsa Española con pure de papas

Braised Lamb shank stew served with Mash potatoes


Solomillo de Cerdo al Whiskey con patatas fritas

Pork Tenderloin in a creamy Whiskey sauce served with fries


Dorado confitado al ajo con patatas panaderas

Mahi Mahi confit with garlic served w/ thin sliced potatoes


Pulpo a la Gallega con patatas

Galician-style octopus- sweet paprika, sea salt & EVO with potatoes


Solomillo de Res con Salsa Española y Champiñones con Pure de Papas al ajo

Beef Tenderloin with Spanish Sauce and Mushrooms with Garlicky Mash potatoes


Arroz negro con Calamares y Camarones

Black rice with squid and shrimps


Paella de Mariscos

Shrimps, scallops, mussels, calamari and clams
cooked with saffron rice.


Elegir un Postre

Choice of Dessert

Tarta Santiago

Traditional Galician Almond Tart


Tree nuts

Crema Catalana

Spain's version of Creme Brule


Flan Casero de Caramelo

Home made caramel custard


A la Carte
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